As one of the parts of TW560’s rebuild strategy after my catastrophic total loss accident with TW560, procuring a new TWIKE was a cornerstone of making it happen within the means available.
As always, Karma somehow handed me the solution on a silver tablet: TW524. The serial number of the TWIKE providing the parts for mine may not be too far off, as there were major changes during every single production series making many parts incompatible.
An acceptable price for TW524 was found and within 2 weeks of getting the go-ahead from my insurer I am now the proud owner of not only one but two TWIKEs!
Prior to delivery, I had only seen pictures of my new TWIKE, since Andi did all the detailed work and analysis if TW524’s Luran cover and parts would actually fit TW560.
Andi from ksenotek picked up TW524 and I was there to welcome my new TWIKE and organ donor for TW560.
As he arrived, I found it difficult to wait until he had unfolded the ramp and get a first glimpse of TW524.
And … there it was – what a beauty!
Minimal wear and tear, TW524 had only done about 30,000 km before being put into storage.

I went up to my new TWIKE and immediately touched the white top Luran assembly. So much more texture – for years, I had TW560 professionally washed and polished once a month: it was super clean then…but at a price. This TWIKE feels pristine and new.

Andi then extracted TW524 from the transporter and I was able to look into the interior – unlike my TWIKE that has a very complex VIN starting with TEMAZZ00*, this TWIKE has its serial number as its VIN.

Looking further, we find a 19 year-old label with some vital information on my new vehicle.

Soon enough I discover one thing that will incur additional costs: A non-standard back window. This was all the craze some years ago – it makes a TWIKE look less heavy and visibility from inside is better. But: it’s not standard and this is not how TW560 looked like. I’m aiming to get as close as possible back to TW560’s original state.
This means that I will be forced to buy / source three new / pre-used in mint condition parts:
* Back top Luran assembly
* Plexiglas hood assembly, as TW524’s Plexiglas hood is cracked and warped
* Back window Plexiglas pane

Inside, TW524 looks very good. I’m really happy with my purchase!

Overall, I am now in the very comfortable situation to have not only all parts to repair my beloved TWIKE but also to have a number of spare parts to ensure that TW560 will remain repairable no matter what!

Central console, yoke, front assembly, brakes and chassis are all in mint condition and might be used for one of my pet projects some day: A Citroën Méhari-style summer-only TWIKE! Stay tuned 🙂